
Plants and animals - Worksheets

  CBSE Worksheet-01 CLASS - IV EVS – Plants Fill in the Blanks: 1. The plants of several feet height with woody stems are called _________. 2. The medium sized plants with a hard, branched and bushy stems are called ________. 3. The small plants with a soft stems are called ________. 4. The weak stemmed plants grows with the help of support are called ________. 5. The plants which live for one year are called __________. 6.  The plants which live for two years are called __________. 7. The plants which live for many years are called __________. 8. The ________ system of the plant grows above the ground. 9. The ________ system of the plant grows below the ground. 10. The plants have __________ which grows into new plants. 11. The _________ fixes the plant firmly in the soil. 12. The weak stemmed plants that grow on the ground are called ________. 13. Name the Following: i. Any two trees. a) _________ b) _________ ii. Any two shrubs. a) _________ b) _________ iii. Any two herbs. a) _____

Habitats - Worksheets

  CBSE Worksheet-01 CLASS - IV EVS – Habitats Fill in the blanks: 1.  __________ is the basic need of all human beings. 2. The __________ is the surface of a room on which we walk. 3. The __________ is the top part of a house. 4. The _________ are the sides of a building. 5. The __________ are at the entrance of a house. 6. The __________ is an opening in a wall to let in light and air. Underline the incorrect word and rewrite the sentences: 1.  We feel unsafe inside our home. 2. The walls are at the entrance of a room. 3. The windows in a house are tall and straight. 4. A roof is an opening in a wall to let in air and light. 5. A hall is a place where we live with our family. Name A, B, C, D and E in the picture given below: CBSE Worksheet-01 CLASS - IV EVS – Habitats Answer Fill in the blanks: 1. Home 2. Floor 3. Roof 4. Walls 5. Doors 6. Window Underline the incorrect word and rewrite the sentences: 1.  Unsafe ;  We feel safe inside our house. 2.  Walls .:  The doors are at the entr

Air and Water - Worksheets

  CBSE Worksheet-01 CLASS - IV EVS – Air Fill in the blanks. 1. Slow moving air is called ________. 2. Very fast moving air is called _______. 3. Fast moving air is called _______. 4. Very strong wind causes _______. 5. Eastern wind blows from ______ to _______. 6. Northern wind blows from ________ to ________. 7. Air has _____ and ______ in it. 8. We need fresh air for _______. 9. Fresh air keeps us _______. 10. Fresh air is free from ______, ______ and _______. 11. Air occupies _______. 12. Air has _______. 13. Air exerts _______. 14. The air _______ on heating and ________ on cooling.   15. Hot air is ______ than the cold air. CBSE Worksheet-01 CLASS - IV EVS – Air Answer 1. Breeze 2. Gale 3. Wind 4. Storm 5. East, west 6. North to south 7. Dust, smoke 8. Breathing 9. Healthy 10. Dust, smoke, germs 11. Space 12. Weight 13. Force 14. Expands/contracts 15. Lighter

Our Environment - Worksheets

  CBSE Worksheet-01 CLASS - IV EVS – OUR ENVIRONMENT Can you circle the odd one out? Name any two examples of the following: 1. Non – communicable diseases 2. Diseases caused by virus 3. Diseases caused by bacteria 4. Diseases caused by fungi 5. Diseases which spread through air 6. Diseases which spread through insects 7. Communicable diseases CBSE Worksheet-01 CLASS - IV EVS – OUR ENVIRONMENT Answers Can you circle the odd one out? Name any two examples of the following: 1. Cancer and Diabetes 2. Chicken pox and Rabies 3. Cholera and Leprosy 4. Ringworm and Pneumonia 5. Asthma and Heart diseases 6. Malaria and Dengue 7. Mumps and Diphtheria

Our Food - Worksheets

  CBSE Worksheet-01 CLASS - IV EVS – Food Name the following: 1. Food from plants a) ______ b) ______ c) ______ 2. Food from animals a) ______ b) ______ c) _______ 3. Food which helps in the growth of bones and muscles a) ______ b) ______ c) _______ 4. Food which gives us energy for work and play. a) ______ b) ______ c) _______ 5. Some healthy habits. a) ______ b) ______ c) ______ 6. Three main meals. a) ______ b) ______ c) ______ Underline the correct answer: 1. The ____________ can be eaten raw. [Rice/Carrot] 2. Dinner is eaten at ________________. [Morning/Night] 3. Can we live without food?[Yes/No] 4. Breakfast is eaten in ______________.[Morning/Afternoon] 5. We should drink at least ________________ glasses of water daily. [Two/Eight]   CBSE Worksheet-01 CLASS - IV EVS – Food Answer Name the following: 1. a) Vegetables b) Grains c) Oil 2. a) Milk b) Eggs c) Meat 3. a) Pulses b) Fish c) Beans d) Nuts e) Eggs 4. a) Oil b) Rice c) Cheese d) Potato e) Milk 5. a) Wash your hands well

Human body and Health - Worksheets

  CBSE Worksheet-01 CLASS - IV EVS – Human Body Fill in the blanks: 1. ___________ cut like pliers. 2. Milk teeth are also called ____________ teeth. 3. ___________ is the disease caused by the action of bacteria on hard enamel. 4. There are ____________ molars in each jaw. 5. The sense organ which helps us to taste is ____________. 6. The number of milk teeth in human beings is ___________. 7. ___________ makes foul smell in mouth. 8. Teeth start appearing in a baby at the age of ______________. 9. The mineral required for good teeth is ____________. 10.  The last four teeth, a person get is called ________________. 11. The children of three years have ____________ teeth. 12. The number of teeth in the upper jaw of an adult is __________. 13. The tooth used for cutting and tearing food is __________. 14.  The part of teeth which is made up of soft tissues, nerves and blood vessels is __________. 15. ___________ causes cavities in teeth. CBSE Worksheet-01 CLASS - IV EVS – Human Body An

State of Matter - Worksheets

  CBSE Worksheet-01 CLASS - IV EVS – States of Matter Answer the Following: 1. What is a matter? 2. What are the three states of matter? 3. What are transparent materials? 4. What are opaque materials? 5. What are translucent materials? 6. What are molecules? 7. What is a solute? 8. What is a solvent? 9. What is meant by inter-molecular space? 10. What is meant by solution? CBSE Worksheet-01 CLASS - IV EVS – States of Matter Answers 1. The material which makes a substance is called matter. 2. The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. 3. The materials through which we may see the objects placed on the other side are called transparent materials. 4. The materials through which we do not see the objects placed on the other side are called opaque materials. 5. The materials through which we cannot see but light passes through them are called translucent materials. 6. Matter is made of tiny particles called molecules. 7. In a solution, the solid which is dissolved is called a so