Our Food - Worksheets

 CBSE Worksheet-01


Name the following:
1. Food from plants
a) ______ b) ______ c) ______
2. Food from animals
a) ______ b) ______ c) _______
3. Food which helps in the growth of bones and muscles
a) ______ b) ______ c) _______
4. Food which gives us energy for work and play.
a) ______ b) ______ c) _______
5. Some healthy habits.
a) ______ b) ______ c) ______
6. Three main meals.
a) ______ b) ______ c) ______

Underline the correct answer:
1. The ____________ can be eaten raw. [Rice/Carrot]
2. Dinner is eaten at ________________. [Morning/Night]
3. Can we live without food?[Yes/No]
4. Breakfast is eaten in ______________.[Morning/Afternoon]
5. We should drink at least ________________ glasses of water daily. [Two/Eight]


CBSE Worksheet-01

Name the following:
1. a) Vegetables b) Grains c) Oil
2. a) Milk b) Eggs c) Meat
3. a) Pulses b) Fish c) Beans d) Nuts e) Eggs
4. a) Oil b) Rice c) Cheese d) Potato e) Milk
5. a) Wash your hands well with soap before and after meals.
b) Rinse your mouth properly after each meal.
c) Always brush your teeth after dinner.
d) Use a clean towel to wipe your hands and face.
e) Do not waste food.
6. Three main meals.
a) Breakfast b) Lunch c) Dinner
Underline the correct answer:
1. Carrot
2. Night
3. No
4. Morning
5. Eight


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